Create CIGI-compatible IG systems with FLAMES and Unreal Engine
The Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) is an open data protocol that allows communication between a host simulation and an image generator (IG). Information about CIGI can be found on SourceForge.
The FLAMES CIGI IG Plugin for Unreal is a FREE plugin for Unreal Engine that is a part of the FLAMES Unreal Engine option. This plugin supports the creation of CIGI- compatible IGs and integrated computer generated forces (CGF) simulations using FLAMES and Unreal Engine.
Features and Benefits
- The free FLAMES CIGI IG Plugin for Unreal is an open, customizable plugin that manages all CIGI communications between the IG and the host simulation
- The IG and the FLAMES-based CGF are fully integrated. The IG ownship is an active participant in the CGF scenario, and the entities in the CGF are present and displayed in the IG.
- The IG and the CGF use the exact same Unreal Engine virtual world and terrain database. Therefore, there are no “terrain correlation” issues.
- The host on-board systems, such as sensors and weapon systems, can be modeled in the CGF together with the systems on-board all the constructive entities in the CGF. This allows higher fidelity and higher performance modeling of complex processes, such as weapon engagements and electronic warfare.
- The IG and the CGF communicate only using Unreal Engine multi-player communications. This allows detailed and high-performance communications of entity state and effects.
- Connecting multiple IGs simultaneously to the CGF is fully supported.
Example CIGI IG and CGF Simulation
An example CIGI-compatible IG and a FLAMES-based CGF simulation are available for FREE in the Unreal CIGI IG Content in the FLAMES Store. The Unreal Engine game project for the IG, including the FLAMES CIGI IG Plugin for Unreal, is available for FREE in the Unreal CIGI IG Game Project.
The FLAMES CIGI IG Plugin for Unreal and the Unreal CIGI IG Content are free, but you need the FLAMES Engine and the CIGI Option to run them. A CIGI option license is available and the option is fully functional in the Trial Version of the FLAMES Engine. A license to the CIGI option must be purchased to use the option with the unrestricted version of the FLAMES Engine.