FLAMES Options
In addition to the already-powerful features of FLAMES®, optional products are available that extend the capabilities of FLAMES applications.
Unreal Engine Option: Extends FLAMES to create the ultimate framework for the creation of serious games and 3D, entity-level constructive simulations.
Enhanced Analysis Option: Perform automated parametric trades studies, Monte-Carlo analysis, and sensor coverage analysis.
DIS Option: Communicate with other simulations using the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol.
HLA Option: Communicate with other simulations using the High Level Architecture (HLA) tools and standards.
Checkpoint/Restart Option: Restart a scenario execution from a pre-defined point using the data stored in a checkpoint file.
CIGI Option: Communicate with image generators using the Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI).
Network Database Option: Access a FLAMES scenario database hosted on a remote server and collaborate with other users editing the same scenario.